Sunday, July 24, 2011

Linux Mint 1 sampai 11

Kemarin ngecek statistik blog, dan menemukan ada search keyword "nama linux mint dari 1 sampai 11". Well, sebenarnya gak pernah berniat membuat postingan tentang ini, tapi secara ternyata masih ada yang belum tau ada yang menanyakan.. ya sudah mari kita bahas. Dibawah ini, berurutan Versi Linux Mint, Codename, Tanggal Release, asal kata dan arti dari codename yang digunakan.

Linux Mint 1.0
Codename: Ada, Released date: 2006-08-27. 
The name "Ada" means noble kind; of the noble sort (Germanic), adornment (Hebrew), oldest daughter (African). Form of: Adelaide.

Linux Mint 2.0
Codename: Barbara, Released date: 2006-11-13. 
Greek, Foreign, strange, Latin, Foreign strange.

Linux Mint 2.1
Codename: Bea, Released date: 2006-12-20.
Latin and is short for Beatrix which means Voyager through life.

Linux Mint 2.2 
Codename: Bianca, Released date: 2007-02-20.
Italian, White, Fair.
Linux Mint 3.0
Codename: Cassandra, Released date: 2007-05-30.
Greek, she who entangles men. Form of Kassandra.

Linux Mint 3.1
Codename: Celena, Released date: 2007-09-24.
Greek, Moon.
Linux Mint 4.0
Codename: Daryna, Released date: 2007-10-15.
Persian, maintain well posses and good (pretty sure the Persians were muslim not sure though). Greek and Ukrainian all have the same meaning as the Persian.

Linux Mint 5 
Codename: Elyssa, Released date: 2008-06-08.
Hebrew, Greek and English all mean My God is a vow.

Linux Mint 6 
Codename: Felicia, Released date: 2008-12-15.
Latin, Happy, lucky, fortunate form of felix.

Linux Mint 7 
Codename: Gloria, Released date: 2009-05-26.
Latin, Glory.

Linux Mint 8
Codename: Helena, Released date: 2009-11-28. 
Greek, form of Helen, wicker, reed, short torch, basket.

Linux Mint 9
Codename: Isadora, Released date: 2010-05-18. 
Greek, gift of iris.

Linux Mint 10
Codename: Julia, Released date: 2010-11-12.
Latin, down-bearded youth from Julius.

Linux Mint 11
Codename: Katya, Released date: 2011-05-26.
Greek, Pure from Yekaterina also commonly used in Russia.

Untuk screenshootsnya, bisa dilihat disini.
Sumber: Official website dan forum Linux mint.
